LISTEN TO SOUNDS BY CITY: Aarhus, Adas, Albany, Aluksne, Amsterdam, Ashland, Atlanta, Baltimore, Bamako, Bangkok, Barcelona, Beijing, Belo horizonte, Bergen, Berlin, Bilbao, Binghamton, Birmingham, Blue ridge, Bogota, Bordeaux, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Buffalo, Cairo, Calcutta, Calvizzano, Camberwell, Caracas, Catania, Champaign, Chandigarh, Chernogorsk, Chernomorsk, Chicago, Cluj napoca, Colombo, Cork, Corvallis, Crawfordsville, Dakar, Dresden, Dundee, Ekaterinburg, Enschede, Esquerdes, Formello, Frankfurt, Genzano di roma, Glasgow, Gothenburg, Granada, Graz, Halifax nova scotia, Hamburg, Helsinki, Hong kong, Ioannina, Istanbul, Izmir, Jaipur, Jarvenpaa, Koln, Kryviy ryh, Kyiv, Lexington, Lisboa, Liverpool, Ljubiana, London, Los angeles, Louisville, Luzern, Madrid, Manchester, Marrakesch, Marseille, Medford, Milano, Minneapolis, Montevideo, Montpellier, Montreal, Moscow, Munich, Napoli, New york, Palma, Pamplona, Paris, Pavia, Perugia, Phoenix, Portland, Porto, Prague, Rabat, Rennes, Rome, Rotterdam, Salzburg, San fiorenzo, San francisco, San sebastian, Santa terezinha, Sao paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, Shipley, St. petersburg, Stavanger, Stromboli, Stuttgart, Suzhou, Taipei, Tallinn, Tel aviv, Thessaloniki, Tokyo, Toronto, Toulouse, Trieste, Trondheim, Ulm, Utrecht, Venezia, Vienna, Vila nova de gaia, Wroclaw, Zurich

LISTEN TO SOUNDS BY MOOD: ambient, atmosphere, beat, birds, boredom, churches, industrial, mechanical, miscellaneous, music, noisy, people, rhythm, sirens, speaking, traffic, travel, voices, weather


city=paris  mood=atmosphere
size=0.06Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=8 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=pulsing in distance

city=paris  mood=ambient
size=0.37Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=46 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=horn symphony

city=paris  mood=music
size=0.14Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=18 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=horn symphony fast

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.02Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=3 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=kids in street

city=paris  mood=atmosphere
size=0.06Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=8 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=nice background in station

city=paris  mood=ambient
size=0.07Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=9 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=nice slow hum

city=paris  mood=travel
size=0.03Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=4 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=ambient
size=0.04Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=6 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=deep hum from station

city=paris  mood=atmosphere
size=0.02Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=3 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=sirens
size=0.15Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=19 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=siren french police

city=paris  mood=travel
size=0.13Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=17 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=train enters station

city=paris  mood=industrial
size=0.03Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=5 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=tune from station

city=paris  mood=ambient
size=0.06Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=8 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=slow gurgling

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.08Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=11 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=vocal in station

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.11Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=14 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=vocal mess

city=paris  mood=atmosphere
size=0.13Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=16 seconds  
date=2004-06-21  recorderd by=STANZA
description=vocal humming

city=paris  mood=mechanical
size=0.01Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=2 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=people
size=0.05Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=7 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=park and lots of water

city=paris  mood=music
size=0.03Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=4 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=music in street

city=paris  mood=people
size=0.06Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=8 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=noisy
size=0.06Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=8 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=industrial
size=0.09Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=12 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=gong being battered by me

city=paris  mood=mechanical
size=0.07Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=9 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=gong slower and traffic

city=paris  mood=industrial
size=0.01Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=1 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=wheep sounds

city=paris  mood=traffic
size=0.01Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=1 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=horn and car

city=paris  mood=traffic
size=0.03Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=5 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=cars driving

city=paris  mood=industrial
size=0.03Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=4 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=gong hitting some metal

city=paris  mood=rhythm
size=0.09Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=12 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=music
size=0.04Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=5 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=extended drums

city=paris  mood=music
size=0.01Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=2 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=rhythm
size=0.04Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=5 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=rhythm
size=0.01Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=2 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=music
size=0.02Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=4 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=music
size=0.02Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=3 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=drum loops

city=paris  mood=rhythm
size=0.01Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=2 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=drum loop cha cha

city=paris  mood=rhythm
size=0.01Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=2 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=drum loop

city=paris  mood=rhythm
size=0.01Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=2 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=drum loop

city=paris  mood=rhythm
size=0.04Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=6 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=drumloop nice

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.05Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=7 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=cafe more

city=paris  mood=people
size=0.05Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=7 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=cafe and people being served

city=paris  mood=noisy
size=0.00Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=1 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=mechanical
size=0.00Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=0 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=mechanical
size=0.01Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=1 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=clop and bang

city=paris  mood=traffic
size=0.02Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=3 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=screech and noise

city=paris  mood=noisy
size=0.03Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=4 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=hiss and cups clatter

city=paris  mood=people
size=0.04Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=5 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=cafe and talking

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.05Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=7 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=speaking in french

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.03Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=4 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=bangs and people talking over top

city=paris  mood=mechanical
size=0.02Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=3 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=bangs and people

city=paris  mood=people
size=0.05Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=7 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=cafe bustle

city=paris  mood=industrial
size=0.00Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=1 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=mechanical
size=0.02Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=3 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=mechanical
size=0.01Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=2 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.07Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=9 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=people
size=0.04Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=6 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.06Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=8 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.09Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=12 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=more kids and french voices

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.13Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=17 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=park water and kids playing madly

city=paris  mood=industrial
size=0.02Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=3 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=industrial
size=0.10Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=13 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=industrial
size=0.02Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=3 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=noisy
size=0.16Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=20 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=roadworks repeating and cars

city=paris  mood=industrial
size=0.07Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=10 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=sirens
size=0.10Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=13 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=siren french

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.05Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=7 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=talking in france

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.03Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=4 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=talking french

city=paris  mood=speaking
size=0.01Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=1 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=talking lid in france

city=paris  mood=speaking
size=0.01Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=2 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=talking amber

city=paris  mood=traffic
size=0.06Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=8 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=traffic car

city=paris  mood=traffic
size=0.08Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=11 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=traffic noise at roadside

city=paris  mood=traffic
size=0.08Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=10 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=car accelerating

city=paris  mood=traffic
size=0.02Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=4 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=traffic squeak

city=paris  mood=traffic
size=0.07Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=9 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=traffic and beep

city=paris  mood=traffic
size=0.04Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=5 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=traffic hiss

city=paris  mood=travel
size=0.08Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=11 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=traffic
size=0.06Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=8 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=train and voices and horn

city=paris  mood=travel
size=0.17Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=21 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=train pulling out and french speaking

city=paris  mood=travel
size=0.11Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=15 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=travel
size=0.09Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=12 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=mechanical
size=0.07Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=9 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=train door in france

city=paris  mood=speaking
size=0.07Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=10 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=trains and voices

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.09Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=11 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=voices talking

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.04Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=6 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.05Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=6 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=voices conversing

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.10Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=13 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=voices in street

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.04Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=6 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.06Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=8 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=voices at window

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.05Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=7 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=voices shouting

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.02Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=4 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=voices
size=0.05Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=7 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Voices shouting

city=paris  mood=atmosphere
size=0.11Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=15 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=atmosphere
size=0.08Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=10 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA

city=paris  mood=atmosphere
size=0.10Mb  bitrate=64kpbs  duration=13 seconds  
date=2008-09-17  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Water rain in drain

city=paris  mood=churches
size=0.32Mb  bitrate=111kpbs  duration=23 seconds  
date=2004-03-15  recorderd by=Sally Northmore
description=Notre Dame chiming

city=paris  mood=travel
size=0.24Mb  bitrate=108kpbs  duration=18 seconds  
date=2004-03-16  recorderd by=Sally Northmore
description=Man playing the accordion in Paris metro